Espresso Updated
Mad about coffee. Mad about sustainability and local community. Mad about innovating and not standing still.
We also think it’s a bit mad to design home versions of café espresso machines when the requirement isn’t to make 200 shots per day and hog your valuable space. So we ditched that approach and used modern materials, science and innovation to create perfect espresso without the clumsy machinery, maintenance or barista skills. And in the process freed it to leave the kitchen with you.
We’re mad about café quality home espresso – it’s the core shot in everything coffee, and we love coffee – but not at the expense of the planet, farmers or local community. Nespresso may have opened the market, but we are different: we want our products to last at least your lifetime – no wasteful replacement cycle – and enable you to be yourself and choose coffee from any source be it a local roastery, a supermarket, value blend or speciality treat. At ROK we don’t tie you into global corporate supplies.
And while we enjoy a pure double espresso, we also delight in the explosion of coffee based drinks, and locations to enjoy them. Hot, cold, shots as an ingredient, shots made using cola, tonic water or even Guinness, our espresso maker is unique in catering to this welcome updating of espresso. Go innovate, and have fun – we have!

ROK is a bunch of product designers, living the coffee dream as a spin out project since 2002, and over time we’ve really cracked the engineering and innovation challenges in updating espresso. We’re thrilled to unleash the Presso Smartshot in 2024, and thrilled to see where you take it as coffee continues to evolve.